THE BOEING AIRPLANE COMPANY in the news a lot these days – mainly because of
the firm’s increasing disloyalty to its historic hometown of Seattle while
once-again attempting to extort zillion$ in tax breaks from the State of
Washington, and additional concessions from its workforce (by threatening to
take more work out-of-state) – I figured it was timely to gaze back and recall
happier times. Like, ironically, the Great
Depression when the Boeing Band used to perform for outbound passengers and
spectators alike in free concerts given at Boeing Field’s airplane terminal.
Comprised of musically inclined Boeing pilots (on 4 saxophones, a trumpet,
clarinet, tuba, and guitar), the octet was photographed in 1931 by ACME
Newspictures Inc. – and I was lucky enough to unearth this vintage photographic
print – which was originally distributed with the suggested caption headline:
“There’s Music In The Air.”
THE SEATTLE SCENE has nurtured numerous world-class drummers
over the years – just consider Skip Moore’s cracklin’ rimshot work on The
Ventures’ 1960 global hit “Walk—Don’t Run,” or Dave Grohl’s supercharging of
Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” in 1991. But local audiences have also been
exposed to other ace tub-thumpers who came touring through the area, from Lionel
Hampton and Buddy Rich and their various bigbands, to Led Zeppelin’s John
Bonham, & Santana's Michael Shrieve. Still, a good case can be argued that perhaps the most astounding drummer
of all time was Gene Krupa (1909-1973) – & at his 1930s-1940s prime he played
Seattle at least five times.
Rising up through Chicago’s Prohibition Era jazz scene, in
1934 Krupa joined one of the most high-profile ensembles of its day: the Benny
Goodman (1909-1986) band. The first time that Krupa hit Seattle, he appeared
with Goodman at the Trianon Ballroom (218 Wall Street). The Seattle Times’ Lenny Anderson, who attended the show, later described that evening: “The Trianon had subdued lights in bunting that ballooned from a low ceiling, overstuffed furniture on the raised portion that bordered the floor, and the band shell at the north end of the hall. …When it was time for the music to start, a skinny college kid named Norm Bobrow [1917-2008] walked to the microphone and said it was the
thrill of a lifetime to introduce
Benny Goodman. Then Goodman smiled his familiar, half-embarrassed grin and
played the opening clarinet passage of ‘Let’s Dance’ into a roar of approval
from the crowd and against the free-swinging background of the band. It was a
15-piece band that included the likes of Harry James, Gene Krupa, Ziggy Elman
and…Jess Stacy on the piano. At intermission, Teddy Wilson and Lionel Hampton
joined Goodman and Krupa in the quartet. …A few scattered couples jitterbugged
but most of the crowd was standing, pressing in upon the bandstand. When the
band played its big numbers such as ‘Sing, Sing, Sing’…it was almost worth your
life to be standing in the front row, jammed in against the bandstand by the
crowd behind.”

It was at that 1946 gig when a young Seattle photographer named Mike
Michel captured some action shots of Krupa. At the time, Michel worked for the
Photo Flash Picture Company which was based in the Wilhard Hotel Building (711
Union Street). His job was to shoot pictures of various attendees and then
hurry that film to “an onsite dark-room. There the negative would be rushed in
developing the image, quickly cleared and the wet negative put in an enlarger
to print…the exposed print was then put through a similar rush process, put on
a hot tin to dry, put in a folder and then delivered to” those same customers
within twenty minutes – at which point they paid the photographer $1.25 for
this souvenir of their memorable evening out on the town. But in this instance, Michel didn’t sell the
photos to Krupa, he instead had the star autograph some of them & he held onto them –
until recently, when I acquired them.
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