PARAMOUNT PICTURES premiered their brand-new musical flick –
Those Redheads From Seattle – in Seattle on September 23, 1953. The reason for that backwater debut location being that the movie plotline begins here. The gist of the less-than-riveting "plot" is that a carrot-top mother & her daughters leave Gold Rush Era Seattle bound for Alaska where they seek to settle the financial affairs of their newspaperman husband/father who had been murdered in a dispute with a shady saloonkeeper. Along the way, the sisters (played by pop singing stars, Teresa Brewer, Rhonda Fleming, & the Bell Sisters) sing tunes including "Baby, Baby, Baby," "Take Back Your Gold," & "Mr. Banjo Man." Brewer also does a duet – "I Guess It Was You All the Time" – with '50s popabilly star, Guy Mitchell, who also sings "Chick-a-Boom."
The monophonic film – which was directed by Lewis R. Foster & produced between March & April 1953 – is also notable as the first Paramount movie to take a stab at the new mind-blowing 3-D technology. A week after its Seattle debut, the show opened in New York City & then on October 14th it hit Los Angeles.